

10 Ways to Prepare your Mind and Body for Wrestling Season

Published October 4th, 2024 by Wrestling Mindset

"The will to win is important, but the will to prepare is vital." – J Robinson

You can feel it in the air, wrestling season is quickly approaching! With less than two months until go time, it is imperative to have a game plan for this season to maximize your results and development. 

Here are ten ways to prepare your mind and body for the upcoming season. 

1. Focus on your effort first

The foundation of your success will always be your effort. Make it your mission to outwork your previous self every day. Did you give 100% in your workout, on the mat, or in the weight room? Effort is something you can control, and it will always set you apart from others. Don't just compete with your opponents—compete with yourself.

2. Establish a Strong Training Schedule

You need a plan if you want to dominate. Create a training schedule that covers all the essential aspects of wrestling: technique, mindset, flexibility, nutrition, conditioning, and strength. Map out your weekly routine, from practices and workouts to mindset training, ensuring that you cover every base. Wrestling Mindset can provide you with a comprehensive training plan to help keep you on track.

3. Pursue excellence rather than just championships

Don't get caught up in the "fan mentality" of worrying about rankings, records, or stats. These external factors are out of your control. Instead, focus on constant improvement (Kaizen). The goal is to improve a little each day, becoming the best version of yourself over time. Avoid constant comparisons with others; success comes consistent growth over time. 

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4. Compete for the Love of Wrestling

At its core, wrestling is a sport you should enjoy. Compete because you love the grind, the technique, the challenge or whatever you love about the sport. Wrestling can be a great way to build virtue and character while developing mental and physical skills. The most successful wrestlers rarely lose sight of why they started and what they love about wrestling.  

5. Prioritize Mental Training

Most top wrestlers and coaches acknowledge that wrestling is 95% mental. Developing confidence, resilience and peak performance skills are critical in and out of season. At Wrestling Mindset, we recommend at least weekly mindset training during the season to help you perform at your best and overcome challenges. 

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6. Be Patient and Trust the Process

It is a process to develop and jump levels in this sport. There will be challenges and hardships. There will be bad practices and tough matches. Results don’t happen overnight, and the key to lasting success is trusting the process. Make sure you reflect on the positives rather than simply dwelling on the negatives. Be patient with your growth and focus on the work you put in each day, knowing that the results will come when you consistently give a full effort. 

7. Keep Your Life in Perspective

It's important to remember that wrestling is just one aspect of your life. Faith, family, academics, and your other values need to be kept in proper order. Make sure you always make the most important thing the most important thing. Keep your priorities in check and remember that sports are a vehicle for personal growth—not the end goal. Keeping a balanced perspective will help you stay focused on the bigger picture and perform freely. 

8. Track Your Progress and Adjust as Needed

Keeping a journal of your workouts and progress helps you see how far you've come. Wrestling Mindset’s Success Journal is great way to do so. Track your improvements and make necessary adjustments to your routine as you go. You should always be refining your process to become more efficient and effective. 

9. Develop Functional Strength and Injury Prevention

Strength training is essential, but it needs to be functional for wrestling. Focus on strengthening your core, posterior chain, and upper back, and make grip strength a priority. Injury prevention is also key—build flexibility and tendon strength, listen to your body, and work with a physical therapist if needed. Remember, strength means nothing if you’re sidelined by injury.

10. Cultivate an Attitude of Gratitude

Wrestling Mindset Principle #1: I am thankful for the opportunity to wrestle. Stay thankful for every opportunity you have to train and compete. Remember that wrestling is an opportunity rather than an obligation. Appreciate the journey and the lessons wrestling teaches you. Gratitude reminds you that every workout, match, practice, and competition is a gift.

By following these principles, you’re setting yourself up for success both on and off the mat. 

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