

How to Calm Nerves before Wrestling Matches

Published October 16th, 2024 by Wrestling Mindset

Feeling nervous before a wrestling match is completely normal. In fact, the best wrestlers know how to use their nerves to help them compete at their best. They remain poised, confident, and aggressive, rather than letting nerves make them hesitant or anxious. Unfortunately, many wrestlers struggle to manage their nerves effectively, leaving them feeling like a deer in the headlights and unable to perform at their best.

So, how can you calm those nerves before stepping on the mat? It starts with understanding why nerves happen and how to use them to your advantage. In Sport Psychology, the Inverted U Theory shows that a little nervousness is good for performance. Athletes perform best when they are excited and motivated but also relaxed and composed. Too much nervousness, however, can cause performance to crumble. The good news is that you can train your mind to control nerves and enhance your performance.

Here are five effective tips for calming nerves before a wrestling match:

  1. Focus on the Process, Not the Outcome
    One of the main reasons wrestlers get overly nervous is that they focus too much on the outcome—winning, losing, or how others will react. Instead, shift your attention to things you can control, like your effort, attitude, and aggressiveness. You can’t control the outcome, the referee, or your opponent, but you can always control your preparation and mindset. Focusing on the process will help reduce pressure and keep you calm.
  2. Develop a Consistent Pre-match Routine
    Having a reliable pre-match routine can work wonders for calming nerves. When your mind is engaged in a familiar routine—stretching, breathing exercises, or listening to music—you’re less likely to worry about the opponent or the outcome. Your routine can include dynamic stretching, deep breathing, wrestling drills, positive self-talk, and something fun or relaxing, like listening to a favorite song. A routine grounds you, helping you stay focused and composed before the match. Wrestling Mindset 1-1 training can help you develop a pre-match routine.
  3. Understand Your Values and Principles
    Keeping things in perspective can also help ease pre-match anxiety. By focusing on your core values—whether it’s your faith, family, or personal principles—you’ll realize that winning and losing isn’t everything. Reciting mindset principles like “I’m thankful for the opportunity” or “I have no fear of losing” reminds you that your value as a person doesn’t hinge on the result of the match. This mindset shift can alleviate pressure and help you wrestle more freely.
  4. Relax and Treat Every Match the Same
    One of the biggest mistakes wrestlers make is treating certain matches as “special.” Every match is important, but none are bigger than the rest. When you build up a particular match, you make yourself more nervous. Instead, treat every match like any other. Find ways to relax before competing—read, pray, watch a funny movie, or listen to music. Avoid obsessing over rankings, predictions, or social media chatter, as these only increase nerves.
  5. Train Your Mind Daily
    If wrestling is 90% mental, it makes sense to spend quality time training your mind. Visualization, affirmations, and goal-setting are all powerful tools to help you stay mentally sharp and calm under pressure. Visualize yourself not only performing well but overcoming obstacles during the match. Practice deep breathing, build a playlist of motivational songs, and consider working with a mindset coach to strengthen your mental game.

By incorporating these strategies into your routine, you’ll develop the mental toughness needed to manage your nerves and compete with confidence. And remember, nervousness is part of the process—how you handle it is what sets great wrestlers apart from the rest.

Want to learn more about how to calm your nerves and gain the mental edge? 

Wrestling Mindset offers personalized 1-1 coaching to help wrestlers develop their mental game. Reach out today for a free trial session!

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