WAR Zone: The Future of Wrestling Tournaments in America w/ Jason Layton
Gene Zannetti and Jason Layton discuss how WrestlingTournaments.com is revolutionizing the way we compete in America. Jason Layton is the Founder of WrestlingTournaments.com, which many know for their game changing WAR Zone style tournaments.
Wrestling Mindset has partnered with WrestlingTournaments.com to help optimize the sport of wrestling.
What is a WAR Zone style competition? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7nsH7wLME0
Host or Attend a WAR Zone event- https://www.wrestlingtournaments.com
1:13 - What is War Zone
5:53 - Challenge whoever you want
10:39 - Streamlining the leagues
13:04 - Organizational paradigm shift
14:09 - Rapid Brackets
18:16 - One idea changes everything
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