

  • Step on their Throat

    November 9th, 2015

    There’s a place for mercy, compassion, and empathy, but it’s not in competition. If you are going to look back and regret a loss or a ...

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  • One thing that Separates the Best

    October 27th, 2015

    There is a false idea out there that it’s smooth sailing for many national and world champions. That practices, weight loss, and other training comes easy to them. ...

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  • Is your Foundation Strong Enough?

    October 19th, 2015

    Mathematically, a pyramid can only be as tall as its base. What does this mean for wrestlers? You must build a strong foundation- spiritually, mentally and physically. If the foundation ...

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  • 6 Mindset Pillars

    September 28th, 2015

    1. Wrestle because YOU want to. Your happiness and well being trumps success. If wrestling is not in your heart than do something else. Don’t do it for other ...

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  • Depth over Breadth

    September 22nd, 2015

    I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times- Bruce Lee In the age of technology, wrestlers have ...

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  • Common Preseason Mistake

    September 21st, 2015

    Competition can be a great thing but beware during preseason runs and conditioning. The number one focus needs to be improving your own conditioning as best as possible. Many times ...

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  • 4 World Championship Observations

    September 16th, 2015

    1. Our medalists have a high attack rate. They are taking chances, creating scoring opportunities, and looking to score the entire match. Case in point: Jordan Burroughs up by 8 points with 30 ...

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  • 2 Graphs that will give you an Edge

    August 11th, 2015

    Many wrestlers do not understand the importance of sleep. If you help them understand this graph it will make them think twice about staying out late. Look how low the ...

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  • Lead by Example

    August 10th, 2015

    All too often people like to point out the flaws in other people, put on a front, and make themselves look good. We’ve all probably done this at ...

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  • Huuuuge Mental Mistake

    July 9th, 2015

    This message is for wrestlers who work their tails off. Slackers will use as an excuse to miss workouts. One of the biggest mental mistakes I see is wrestlers practicing, ...

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  • 10 Qualities of a Winner

    July 6th, 2015

    1. A winner doesn’t make excuses. Its easy to find reasons to miss practices and workouts. Winner’s find reasons to attend them even when conditions are not ...

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  • 5 World Trials Thoughts

    June 15th, 2015

    1. Many of America’s best wrestlers have strong Faith. Listen to interviews by Jordan Burroughs, Brent Metcalf and Tervel Dlagnev. They speak openly about their faith. It’s ...

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  • 12 Mindset Red Flags

    June 1st, 2015

    1. Not Pulling the Trigger. Wrestling too cautiously or conservative. 2. Looking like a different wrestler in practices and matches. 3. Lacking the Killer Instinct. Not wrestling aggressively. 4. Poor body language- looking scared ...

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  • First Step to Mental Toughness

    May 14th, 2015

    The First Step to Build Mental Toughness Coaches often talk about putting their athletes through intense workouts to build Mental Toughness. I am a firm believer in that but there ...

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  • 5 Reasons to Train your Mindset

    May 12th, 2015

    1. You agree that the sport is at least 50% mental. Any high level wrestler, coach or parent will tell you that wrestling is at least 50% mental. Usually the number is much ...

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  • Devin Carter Mindset Interview

    April 30th, 2015

    What percent of wrestling would you say is mental? I firmly believe that wrestling is at least 70% mental. Everyone out there has trained their bodies and gotten in the best ...

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  • My Mental Mistakes Part II

    April 27th, 2015

    I was a Redshirt Junior in college (UPenn) wrestling at 174 lbs. Our team wrestled Hofstra and I was wrestling the #2 ranked wrestler in the country at the time. Things I ...

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