

  • Become a Better Competitor

    July 15th, 2013

    To become a better competitor, one must practice competitiveness. The Best Powerlifting Gym in the World (Westside Barbell) on Mental Toughness: “At Westside, we have many in-house contests…...

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  • Mental Toughness - How to Get it

    July 1st, 2013

    Mental Toughness is plain and simple- never giving up no matter what. In my Personality Psychology class, we learned that Character is revealed during difficult times, not easy times. This ...

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  • Destroy your "Fan Mentality"

    June 24th, 2013

    Stop approaching your sport as a spectator! Players play, coaches coach, administrators administrate, and there can be no overlap in between. When we competed at the National Duals in college, ...

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  • FLOW every time you Wrestle

    June 17th, 2013

    Some athletes call it “the Zone” others call it “Flow,” scholars call it “the Ideal Peak Performance State (IPPS).” The feeling that you cannot ...

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  • What to Focus on When you Compete

    June 10th, 2013

    In competition, focus is best spent on the present moment- on actions. Thinking about past successes or failures will distract you from your mission. Your mission is whatever you have ...

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  • Without Limits - Expand your Threshold

    June 5th, 2013

    Imagine yourself as a dot in the center of a circle. The circle represents your comfort zone. The walls of the circle represents your personal threshold- your personal limit. In ...

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  • 5 Signs its a Mindset Problem

    June 3rd, 2013

    Coaches and parents must recognize if the wrestler is struggling mentally, then consult a mindset expert to fix the problem. Here’s the eyeball test: The 5 Signs its ...

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  • Overcome Laziness

    May 13th, 2013

    Why are people lazy? Again, we must go back to motivation. The root word in motivation is motive. To understand any behavior or attitude, you must first consider the two ...

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  • Pull the Trigger

    May 7th, 2013

    To sum up Sport/Performance Psychology in a 3 word sentence- Pull the trigger! This is analogous to the Nike slogan of “Just Do It.” However, I like “...

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  • Exercises to Improve Confidence

    May 6th, 2013

    *List your 10 greatest accomplishments in wrestling (competition or practice).If there aren’t 10 in wrestling, then include life to show yourself you are good at things you put your ...

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  • Building Unstoppable Confidence

    April 29th, 2013

    Confidence is so important to our success I have decided to do at least a 3 part series. What can we do to build Unstoppable Confidence? A different approach to building ...

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  • Ditch Your Excuses Now

    April 22nd, 2013

    My high school wrestling coach, the great Steve Giordano (NJ State Champ & college All-American) would always tell us, “never give yourself an excuse to lose.” You do ...

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  • How to Regain Control of your Energy

    April 15th, 2013

    Think back to the moments leading up to a big competition or performance. Think about the atmosphere in the locker room. Think about how people moved around. Before a competition ...

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  • Perfection - Good or Evil?

    April 8th, 2013

    Perfection is the enemy of good. When you were young, the adults taught you how to detect and delete mistakes. This makes sense. I order to achieve at a high ...

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  • How to Bounce Back from a Loss

    April 1st, 2013

    You are a human, you make mistakes. There is a simple but effective way to deal with ALL losses, errors, mistakes, etc:extract the lesson, commit the lesson to memory, ...

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  • Action Beats Inaction

    March 25th, 2013

    When in doubt, err on the side of taking action. Sometimes you are forced to make a difficult decision. You have information supporting you, “going for it.” And ...

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