
Our 1-on-1 coaching provides personalized training with a dedicated coach for accountability and peak performance, while our instant access courses below let you train anytime at your own pace. Not sure which is best for you? Reach out today!


10 Day Confidence Crash Course

Learn the 10 lessons that will change the way you compete forever. Build Confidence, Mental Toughness, Relax under Pressure and Enjoy Competing!

** 10 Videos & Mindset Exercises that will help you JUMP LEVELS on the mat! **

*** BONUS FEATURE- Building a more Aggressive Wrestler audio file ***

Lesson 1: Predator Mindset on the Mat

Lesson 2: Learn what brings out your Best & Worst

Lesson 3: Avoiding the Fan Mentality

Lesson 4: Develop a Prematch Routine

Lesson 5: How to Relax at Matches & Tournaments

Lesson 6: How to Deal with Adversity on the Mat

Lesson 7: What to Focus on when you Wrestle

Lesson 8: Develop the Swagger of a Champion

Lesson 9: #1 Way to Build Confidence

Lesson 10: Have more Fun competing


Wrestling Mindset Do it Yourself TEAM Program

“Going in as underdogs, Wrestling Mindset made the difference in winning an NCAA Title”

-Steve Costanzo (Head Coach St. Cloud State University)

Simple and Practical Strategies that you can incorporate immediately with your team on a consistent basis.

Wrestling Mindset owners Gene and Jeff Zannetti went through the entire Wrestling Mindset program, combined with years of client surveys, to find the most effective mindset strategies that have helped our teams Jump Levels.

These lessons can easily and quickly be implemented into your program and have an immediate impact on your Team Culture & Success.

The TEAM Program includes the following topics:

Confidence, Mental Toughness, Aggressiveness, Self Knowledge, Motivation, Relaxing under Pressure, Goal Setting, Present Moment

**Get Instant & Permanent Access to Online Course

**Implement World Class Mindset Training

**Improve Team Culture

**Team Building

**Develop Leaders

**Turn Nerves into Excitement

***Develop Unstoppable Confidence

“Wrestling Mindset has helped me communicate the right message at the right time with my athletes”

– Matt Lindland (USA National Team Head Coach & Former UFC Fighter)

Lesson 1- The 4 Mindset Principles

**Developing a system of Mindset Principles, 4 Mindset Principles of Wrestling Mindset, Creating a Mission, Rules of Mindset Training, The Learning Pyramid

Lesson 2- Evergreen Mindset

**Developing a Pre-Match Routine, Match Evaluation, Preparing for Adversity, Developing a Reset Button

Lesson 3- Foundation Mindset

**Mindset Checklist, Understanding Best/Worst Performances, Developing an Action Plan, How to “Get Tough”, Accountability Buddy

Lesson 4: Peak Performance Mindset

**How to “Be Confident”, How to “Have Fun”, Predator vs Prey Mindset

Lesson 5: Team Culture

**Coach & Parent Mindset Guide, Perfectionism & Anxiety (Gene’s thesis), Questions to ask each Athlete, Dealing with Parents, Understanding common interests

Lesson 6: Recap & Mindset Plan of Life

**Ongoing Mindset Training, Mindset Monday, Recap

**Get Instant & Permanent Access to Online Course

“I know for a fact the impact Wrestling Mindset has had on our overall program”

-Terry Steiner (USA National Women’s Team Head Coach)


Wrestling Mindset Coaching Certification

Learn to Teach the Mental Game

Build your Resume with a Wrestling Mindset Certification

Get an Opportunity to work for Wrestling Mindset

You Get:

  • Each Mindset Lesson and Exercise in the Wrestling Mindset Program which has served tens of thousands of wrestlers across the country (ACCESS IMMEDIATELY)
  • Video explanation of each Wrestling Mindset Lesson/Exercise (ACCESS IMMEDIATELY)
  • Recordings of past training videos
  • Consult after training with CEO Gene Zannetti (email to setup)

The Wrestling Mindset Certification includes the following topics:

Confidence, Mental Toughness, Aggressiveness/Alter Ego, Self Knowledge, Motivation, Relaxing under Pressure, Goal Setting, Present Moment, Bouncing Back from Injuries, Wrestling with a Clear Mind, Sleep

***Over 65 Videos, Lessons and Exercises***

***Pull the Trigger & Wrestle Aggressively

***Turn Nerves into Excitement

***Wrestle with Unstoppable Confidence

Unit 1- Self Knowledge

**Mindset Checklist, Match Evaluation, Developing a Prematch Routine, Predator vs. Prey Mindset, Mindset Plan of Life, Parent & Coach Mindset Guide, Loving the Sport and More

Unit 2- Goal Setting

**Effective Long/Short Term Goal Setting, Action Planning, Accountability System and More

Unit 3- Mental Toughness

**30 Day Courage Log, Understanding Values & Boundaries of Behavior and Overcoming the Fear of Fatigue

Unit 4- Motivation

**Role Models, Motivation Buttons, Understanding Pain and Pleasure, Battling Self Sabotage and MORE

Unit 5- Present Moment

**Destroying the Fan Mentality, Focusing on the Right Things, Simplifying your Thoughts, Gratitude, Mindfulness & More

Unit 6- Relaxing Under Pressure

**Redefining Nervousness, Dealing with Pressure Factors, Positive Self Talk and More

Unit 7- Confidence

**Focusing on Strengths, Body Language, Visualization, Unstoppable Confidence vs. Cockiness and More

Unit 8- Clarity

**Wrestling with a Clear Mind, Dealing with Mental Adversity and More

Bonus Series:

Unit 9 – Aggressiveness/alter Ego

**Building/Developing an Alter Ego, Learning to Flip the Switch, Modeling Tough People and More

Unit 10- Sleep

**Sleep Strategies, Relaxation/Recovery, Imagery and More

Unit 11- Bouncing Back From Injuries

**Creating an Action Plan to Improve while Injured, Wrestling through the Pain, Changing your Belief System and More


Wrestling Mental Toughness and Alter Ego Bundle

Learn to Wrestle with the Killer Instinct & Build Mental Toughness! SAVE Money by Combining Two of our Best Products!!

The Wrestling Mindset Alter Ego Series includes the following topics:

***Learning to Flip the Switch on the Mat

***Develop the Killer Instinct/Wrestle More Aggressively

***Learning to Pull the Trigger

***This is NOT for the faint of heart

The Wrestling Mindset Mental Toughness Series includes the following topics:

***Overcoming the Fear of Fatigue

***Dealing with Adversity

***Building Mental Toughness

***The One thing all Great Warriors (Spartans, Samurai, Aztecs, Navy Seals) have in Common

***You will get the Wrestling Mindset Mental Toughness & Aggressiveness/Alter Ego Workbooks (Ebook) and video lessons explaining each exercise.


Wrestling Mindset Complete Do it Yourself Program

Every Mindset Lesson, Worksheet and Exercise in the Wrestling Mindset Program which has served tens of thousands wrestlers across the country. Each lesson comes with a corresponding video by Wrestling Mindset’s CEO and Owner Gene Zannetti.

The Wrestling Mindset Complete Do it Yourself Program includes the following topics:

Confidence, Mental Toughness, Aggressiveness/Alter Ego, Self Knowledge, Motivation, Relaxing under Pressure, Goal Setting, Present Moment, Bouncing Back from Injuries, Wrestling with a Clear Mind, Sleep

***You will Get Over 65 Videos, Lessons and Exercises***

***Pull the Trigger & Wrestle Aggressively

***Turning Nerves into Excitement

***Wrestle with Unstoppable Confidence


Wrestling Peak Performance Bundle

Learn to Perform Your Best When It Means the Most!!!

The Wrestling Mindset Peak Performance Bundle includes the following topics:

***Relaxing under Pressure

***Enjoying Competition More

***Overcoming Mental Blocks

The Wrestling Mindset Peak Performance Bundle includes the following topics:

***Relaxing under Pressure

***Enjoying Competition More

***Overcoming Mental Blocks

***Wrestling with a Clear Mind

***Turning Nerves into Excitement

***Focusing on the Present Moment and Avoiding Distractions

***You will get over 15 videos, lessons and exercises focused on Peak Performance.


Premium Kids Mindset Program- Olympic Mindset Lessons for Kids

Olympic Mindset Lessons for Kids

Learn the 8 lessons that will change the way you train, live and compete forever. Olympic level mindset lessons made simple for youth athletes.

-8 of our Best Video Youth Lessons

-8 of our Best Youth Mindset Exercises

-Kids Mindset E-Workbook

Premium Program Includes:

Lifetime Membership to Wrestling Mindset Premium Content

which includes:

10+ Mindset Worksheets/Exercises

Kids Strength Tips

Kids Nutrition Tips

Kids System of Wrestling (Training Tips)

Mindset Video Library (YouTube access)

*** Bonus Features ***

Free 1-1 Mindset Session

Free 1-1 Nutrition Evaluation (Wrestler Nutrition)

Mental Toughness Recorded Member Call

Sample Mindset Exercise- Match Evaluation

1-1 Mindset Training Discount

Lesson 1: Finding your Purpose

Lesson 2: 4 Principles of Mindset Training

Lesson 3: Goal Setting

Lesson 4: Developing an Action Plan

Lesson 5: Mental Toughness

Lesson 6: Confidence

Lesson 7: Aggressiveness

Lesson 8: Mindset Mastery for Life


Mental Toughness Conference Call

Mindset Sample Exercise- Match Evaluation

1-1 Mindset Training Discount


Bouncing Back from Injuries on the Mat-Specialty Series

Learn how to Comeback from an Injury Stronger than Ever!

The Wrestling Mindset Bouncing Back from Injuries Series includes the following topics:

***Competing Fearlessly Post-Injury

***Wrestling through the Pain

***Turning the Injury into an Advantage

***Developing an Action Plan to Improve while Injured

***You will get the Wrestling Mindset Bouncing Back from Injury Workbook (Ebook) and video lessons explaining each exercise.


Begin Your Training Journey with a Free Assessment!

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